Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bittersweet Rollercoaster Ride

A couple of months now since my last post.. It's not that my life has been uneventful or anything..
Actually, it has been one of the best couple of months I've experienced in my life, really.. Me and a friend has been following a local band, even 'stalking' them to their gig place in Loca Coffeshop, Kemang. Endah N Rhesa is basically a duet, playing the guitar/singing and bass, respectively. I first knew them playing at Rooftop, also in Kemang. After listening to their cover of I'm Yours and Numb, I'm hooked! Here's me and Elaine with Endah, the lead singer:It's a bit weird, but it's also been fun following the progress of this band. Ci Sheena, I'd recommend you to visit their myspace page and listen to a couple of their songs!
I also had the chance to go to my first Java Jazz Festival, and lucky enough to enjoy Jason Mraz there. A great performer, but a shame he only sang for an hour or so.
I'd post pictures, but I'm too lazy to connect my bb to my computer -_-, not that I have plenty anyway..
There are a lot of other events, and my 2009 really went well.. Though lately it has slightly slowed a little.. Too much thoughts running around my head, I might have a case of paranoia..
It's a bit unfair I thought, when's my turn to just enjoy my life fully with no worries ya?
Well, it's a short post.. I blame my office for not letting me access blogspot so I could update it a bit more frequently P=

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