Actually, it has been one of the best couple of months I've experienced in my life, really.. Me and a friend has been following a local band, even 'stalking' them to their gig place in Loca Coffeshop, Kemang. Endah N Rhesa is basically a duet, playing the guitar/singing and bass, respectively. I first knew them playing at Rooftop, also in Kemang. After listening to their cover of I'm Yours and Numb, I'm hooked! Here's me and Elaine with Endah, the lead singer:

I also had the chance to go to my first Java Jazz Festival, and lucky enough to enjoy Jason Mraz there. A great performer, but a shame he only sang for an hour or so.
I'd post pictures, but I'm too lazy to connect my bb to my computer -_-, not that I have plenty anyway..
There are a lot of other events, and my 2009 really went well.. Though lately it has slightly slowed a little.. Too much thoughts running around my head, I might have a case of paranoia..
It's a bit unfair I thought, when's my turn to just enjoy my life fully with no worries ya?
Well, it's a short post.. I blame my office for not letting me access blogspot so I could update it a bit more frequently P=
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